Romina Gingasu, wife of businessman Piero Ferrari, investments of tens of millions of euros in real estate

Autor: DCBusiness Team
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Romina Gingașu
Romina Gingașu
For several years, Romina Gingasu, the wife of businessman Piero Ferrari - who owns 10% of Ferrari's shares, valued at no less than $6.5 billion - has been investing in luxury real estate, both abroad and in Romania.

The 31-year-old Romina Gingasu decided to make a strong foray into the real estate markets in 2016, while being a discreet but constant presence in the luxury property sector.

From 2016 to 2023, the Romanian company has invested 10 million euros in residential projects, and the areas targeted were the Floreasca district of Bucharest and the northern area of the capital.

Romina Gingasu's investment portfolio in Romania started - in 2016 - with Belvedere Residence, located on Fabrica de Glucoză, and the ZenVille villa complex in Voluntari. Over the years, the value of these properties has, since purchase, "increased considerably".

Romina Gingasu's latest major deal is worth €2 million for 20% of the Saphire Herastrau project. In the residential complex in the French district, the Romanian bought the top two floors of a 420 sqm penthouse with an 80 sqm terrace.


Careful market research and the Saphire Herastrau project


Romina Gingașu says, according to Forbes, that she makes these acquisitions on her own behalf, but any investment is translated into reality only after constant market research, the key being projects that attract her attention after careful evaluations.

As for the Saphire Herăstrău project, Romina Gingasu says that - from her point of view - this building is by far the most practical, with "a terrace for each guest room and a separate 15 sqm laundry room next to the elevator area".

The boutique building is being built by developer Alexander Regenbogen together with a group of foreign investors. The building was completed in 2021 and has five floors and a total of 13 apartments. 


Romina Gingasu: ” For the Bucharest market, penthouse apartments with large terraces are a good investment”


Romina Gingasu already benefits from the experience gained over the last 7 years, and her business strategy focuses on acquisitions for long-term investment purposes, not for quick rental profits.

This is also the reason why she says that - as far as the real estate market in Bucharest is concerned - a very good investment consists "in penthouse apartments with a large terrace". Unfortunately, at the moment there are very few such apartments, she points out.

Under "investments in progress", Romina Gingasu targets the Bellemonde Residence project, near the American School in Pipera. In his view, these properties could have a return of at least 30-35% by the time the project is completed, and discussions with the developer are currently at an advanced stage, with the main topic being the construction of several "individual villas".

“ I look at long-term returns and always buy from the design phase. I don't rent the properties because they all have a particularity that I want to keep or develop.

It was my first choice from the beginning, being a Romanian citizen, I consider that I have a moral duty to my country and the same duty to pay the VAT, that's why I buy properties in my own name. I am not looking to enter the market as a developer", Romina Gingasu wanted to specify.


“ I intensively negotiate prices and buy at strategic market moments”


Residential projects in the Floreasca and North areas seem to Romina Gingasu the most interesting in terms of investments. The most important criteria, besides the location, is the layout and the modern concept of the developers. 

“ I negotiate prices intensively and buy at strategic market moments. I did the same thing in 2016, then during the Covid pandemic and will continue to do so, depending on market movements," Romina Gingasu adds.

Referring to investments she has made and is making in other European cities, Romina Gingașu says she is very interested in "unique properties in important buildings" in different cities, giving as an example the recent purchase of 45% of Palazzo Marsigli in Bologna, which belonged to the noble Ferdinando Marsigli family.

Palazzo Marsigli is located next to the Court of Bologna, and the building retains original features - woodwork, doors and structure dating back to 1730 - all preserved in special conditions.

Romina Gingasu also owns two other apartments in Monte Carlo.

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